Walkthrough 5: Experimentation and batch jobs¶
This notebook runs on Oqtant hardware and uses 4 jobs
Multiple jobs are needed to either average results or to scan control parameters to map out dependencies and trends. In this walkthrough, we will explore ways of submitting and managing lists of QuantumMatter objects.
This, along with all our example notebooks are publicly available for download from our GitLab repository.
Imports and user authentication¶
from oqtant.schemas.quantum_matter import QuantumMatterFactory
qmf = QuantumMatterFactory()
Authenticate automatically¶
The easiest way to authenticate as an Oqtant user is to execute the following cell. This will activate a widget that will let you sign in.
If popups are blocked, or you are on a system that does not support this method, please follow the steps just below to authenticate manually instead.
Note that currently the automatic authentication method is only compatible with classic jupyter notebooks, and not jupyter lab, nanohub, binder, colab, etc.
Authenticate manually¶
If you cannot use the automatic authentication method above, you can instead authenticate using a slightly more manual process:
- Copy your access token from oqtant.infleqtion.com/oqtantAPI
- Paste that token just below and execute the cell (the if statement keeps the code from executing if you already authenticated above)
if qmf.login.access_token == "":
qmf.login.access_token = "Paste your token here between the quotes!"
Get client¶
At this point you should have a valid access token and be able to establish a client for communicating with the Oqtant REST service. Executing the cell just below should show your current job quota limits.
Submit a list of QuantumMatter objects to generate many independent jobs¶
Create a list of QuantumMatter objects¶
Make a list of QuantumMatter objects that each have a different target temperature:
N = 2
matters = [
temperature=50 * (n + 1), name="quantum matter run " + str(n + 1) + "/" + str(N)
for n in range(N)
list(map(type, matters))
[oqtant.schemas.quantum_matter.QuantumMatter, oqtant.schemas.quantum_matter.QuantumMatter]
Submit the list to Oqtant QMS¶
Submit many independent jobs to be run on the hardware. Each of these jobs enters Oqtant's queueing system at nearly the same time, so they will likely be executed near each other in time, depending on current queue usage.
[matter.submit(track=True) for matter in matters]
Submitting 1 job(s): - Job: quantum matter run 1/2 Job ID: e7348377-aa27-4e5a-b9a4-d781bd807eb6 Tracking 1 job(s): - Job: quantum matter run 1/2 - RUNNING - COMPLETE All job(s) complete Submitting 1 job(s): - Job: quantum matter run 2/2 Job ID: ffae5850-541a-4835-ae12-ed555246a20a Tracking 1 job(s): - Job: quantum matter run 2/2 - RUNNING - COMPLETE All job(s) complete
[None, None]
Access job results¶
Once all our submitted jobs are complete, we access the results in the same way as if we had submitted the programs individually:
# retrieve jobs from server one at a time, creating corresponding local job objects
[matter.get_result() for matter in matters]
# access the results individually and plot them together
lns = []
lbls = []
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
for matter in matters:
(ln,) = plt.plot(matter.output.get_slice(axis="x"))
plt.xlabel("x position (pixels)")
plt.legend(lns, lbls, loc="upper right", title="temp (nK)")
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
[matter.output.temperature_nk for matter in matters],
100 * matter.output.condensed_atom_number / matter.output.tof_atom_number
if matter.output.tof_atom_number > 0
else 0
for matter in matters
plt.xlabel("temperature (nK)")
plt.ylabel("condensed fraction (%)")
Generate and submit a "batch" job¶
There is also the option to submit a list of matter objects as a single batch job, which guarantees that the sequence executes sequentially on the hardware. This feature is useful for detailed experimentation or investigation, where subsequent shots need to be compared to each other in detail. Using sequential hardware shots reduces system drift or inconsistency.
In the case of bundling into a single batch job, only one job id will be generated. Programmatically, the batch job will be composed of multiple runs on Oqtant hardware, and retrieving job results will require specifying the run number $1 \ldots N$ when fetching the job results, where there were $N$ runs in the job.
NOTE: The resulting name of a batch job will default to the name given to the first QuantumMatter object in the provided list. Alternatively, a global name can be provided at the point of submission to the client.
NOTE: Each individual *run is charged against your job quota. A single batch job will naturally contain multiple runs.*
Create a list of QuantumMatter objects to submit as a batch¶
# create a list of QuantumMatter objects
N = 2
matters = [
temperature=50 * (n + 1),
lifetime=20 + (n * 2),
time_of_flight=3 + (n * 2),
note=f"{n + 1}/{N}", # notes persist in batches and will remain tied to each matter object
for n in range(N)
Submit the list as a batch job¶
Submit our list of matter objects to generate a batch job using the QuantumMatterFactory.submit_list_as_batch()
# submit the list as a batch that will run sequentially on the hardware
# returns only a single job id, e.g., "1cdb4ff7-c5ed-46d3-a667-8b12f0cd1349"
matter_batch = qmf.submit_list_as_batch(
matter_list=matters, name="a batch!", track=True # global batch name
Submitting 1 job(s): - Job: a batch! Job ID: 94397237-87b8-4d32-9902-df195383ca61 Tracking 1 job(s): - Job: a batch! - RUNNING - COMPLETE All job(s) complete
Access batch job results¶
Retrieve batch job run results for each run by specifying the desired run number using the QuantumMatter.get_result()
method. If omitted (as for non-batch jobs with just a single run), the data for the first run will be fetched.
NOTE: The added complication of managing multiple runs within a single job is is an unavoidable consequence of ensuring that the runs execute sequentially on the hardware.
matter_batch.get_result() # by default this matter object will be set to the first run (input/output values)
print(f"Run: {matter_batch.run} of {len(matters)}")
print(f"Job Name: {matter_batch.name}")
print(f"Job Note: {matter_batch.note}")
print(f"Input Values: {matter_batch.input}")
print(f"Temperature: {matter_batch.output.temperature_nk}")
) # the matter object will now be set to the second run (input/output values)
print(f"Run: {matter_batch.run} of {len(matters)}")
print(f"Job Name: {matter_batch.name}")
print(f"Job Note: {matter_batch.note}")
print(f"Input Values: {matter_batch.input}")
print(f"Temperature: {matter_batch.output.temperature_nk}")
# the matter object is now set for the second run, subsequent calls to get_result will continue to use data
# for the second run until given a different run value
print(f"Run: {matter_batch.run} of {len(matters)}")
print(f"Run: {matter_batch.run} of {len(matters)}")
# to determine what run a particular matter is using at anytime you can
# print(matter_batch.run)
Run: 1 of 2 Job Name: a batch! Job Note: 1/2 Input Values: end_time_ms=20 image_type=<ImageType.TIME_OF_FLIGHT: 'TIME_OF_FLIGHT'> time_of_flight_ms=3 rf_evaporation=RfEvaporation(times_ms=[-1100, -1050, -800, -300, 0], frequencies_mhz=[21.12, 12.12, 5.12, 0.62, 0.01675], powers_mw=[600.0, 800.0, 600.0, 400.0, 400.0], interpolation=<RfInterpolationType.LINEAR: 'LINEAR'>) optical_barriers=None optical_landscape=None lasers=None Temperature: 5444 Run: 2 of 2 Job Name: a batch! Job Note: 2/2 Input Values: end_time_ms=22 image_type=<ImageType.TIME_OF_FLIGHT: 'TIME_OF_FLIGHT'> time_of_flight_ms=5 rf_evaporation=RfEvaporation(times_ms=[-1100, -1050, -800, -300, 0], frequencies_mhz=[21.12, 12.12, 5.12, 0.62, 0.01675], powers_mw=[600.0, 800.0, 600.0, 400.0, 400.0], interpolation=<RfInterpolationType.LINEAR: 'LINEAR'>) optical_barriers=None optical_landscape=None lasers=None Temperature: 242 Run: 2 of 2 Run: 1 of 2
Plot the results together as above, but augment our approach at extracting the data:
lns = []
lbls = []
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
for run in range(len(matters)):
matter_batch.get_result(run=run + 1)
(ln,) = plt.plot(matter_batch.output.get_slice(axis="x"))
plt.xlabel("x position (pixels)")
plt.legend(lns, lbls, loc="upper right", title="temp (nK)")
temps = []
atoms = []
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
for run in range(len(matters)):
matter_batch.get_result(run=run + 1)
* matter_batch.output.condensed_atom_number
/ matter_batch.output.tof_atom_number
if matter_batch.output.tof_atom_number > 0
else 0
plt.plot(temps, atoms, "-o")
plt.xlabel("temperature (nK)")
plt.ylabel("condensed fraction (%)")
Saving and loading batch job results¶
When working with jobs that have multiple runs it is important to differenciate between then while saving their data since they share the same job id. By using QuantumMatter.get_result
we are able to swap the input and output data of a job while persisting it's id.
To address this issue the QuantumMatter.write_job_to_file
method will automatically detect when a job has more than one run and append the appropriate indictor to the end of the file name: id_run_n_of_N.txt
Wrote file: "94397237-87b8-4d32-9902-df195383ca61_run_1_of_2.txt" Wrote file: "94397237-87b8-4d32-9902-df195383ca61_run_2_of_2.txt"